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La Direzione di Laboratoriliberi
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prima di laboratoriliberi - laboratoriliberi07 - laboratoriliberi08
LABORATORILIBERI - “Passione laica”
Non essere dalla parte di una parte, ma dalla parte del tutto, implica un'operazione di tipo non concettuale, ma di tipo culturale, che significa intraprendere vie non ordinarie, non razionali, orientate verso l'estraneità assoluta, verso l'imprevisto, che non rientrano nelle norme sociali, giuridiche o in ordini religiosi. Il nobile e sofferente, duro lavoro di ricerca di parametri autentici (l'artista autentico) è una " passione laica " per l'apprendimento della vita come linguaggio e comunicazione, che va a cozzare inevitabilmente con teorie di diligenti impiegati dell'arte (artisti e intellettuali devoti) che a quei parametri ripensano e li valutano con il medesimo intento di delineare i tratti di quella autenticità di cui la stessa storia appare l'inveramento o la negazione.
Paolo Fraternali 2008 * * * L’artista doveva aver imparato che... definire significa limitare La frase zen sopra riportata potrebbe essere il motto – o il grido di battaglia, la scelta spetta a voi – di un’iniziativa come Laboratoriliberi. Laboratori d’arte, immersi nell’evocativo panorama di Urbino, che vogliono caratterizzarsi per la loro informalità professionale, che non è una contraddizione in termini: informalità professionale intesa come docenza di alto livello ma non ingabbiata in griglie troppo... definite, appunto, tanto per ricongiungerci con lo spirito zen appena citato. Per questo motivo l’aggettivo “liberi” non deve trarre in inganno. Qui libertà non è sinonimo di anarchia o caos. In questo caso libertà assume il significato di non ortodossia, perché in Laboratoriliberi i docenti si svestiranno non del loro abito professionale bensì di quello “professorale”. Dario Mazzoni
The artist should have learnt that ….. to define means to limit
The above zen phrase could be the motto – or the battle call, the choice is up to you – of an initiative like Laboratoriliberi . Art laboratories immersed in the evocative panorama of Urbino, that wish to be characterised by their professional informality. This is not a contradiction in terms as professional informality means high standards of teaching but not trapped in a framework that is too defined, which brings us back to the above-mentioned zen phrase. For this reason the adjective “liberi” (free) must not be deceptive. Freedom, here, is not a synonym for anarchy or chaos. In this case freedom means unorthodox, since in Laboratoriliberi the teachers do not shake off their professional roles but they put aside their “professor-like” roles. In fact, this is how it should always be. This is how we should communicate. All too often art is interpreted as a world apart and the artist is seen as someone who is out of touch with reality. The Laboratoriliberi are an attempt to get away from everyday life (and we must admit that Urbino is not such an ordinary place) by modernising a concept of art which has become asphyxiated because it was not considered part of our everyday lives. So, this initiative is not only a way to clean the windows to see “beyond”, but also to open those windows to allow the free flow of oxygen (hoping not to become hyperventilated). It is imperative to dismiss the false myth, defamatory what's more, of the cross artist constantly in search of divine inspiration and creativeness. Like everyone, artists know how to enjoy themselves and at times, their inspiration lies right there: in knowing how to enjoy oneself. Laboratoriliberi are also open to outsiders and to anyone who has something to say, or who is looking for the right way to say it. The day to day organisation of Laboratoriliberi is as follows: morning workshops and in the afternoon meetings with the artists: Egiziano Persantini, Corrado Cascioli, Sandro Ciriscioli, Maurizio Cesarini, Livio Ceschin, Paolo Fraternali, Nedda Bonini … but, being “free”, this doesn't mean that the morning does not overlap into the afternoon or, going back in time, that the afternoon does not overlap into the morning. Visits to exhibitions and to Fabriano to see the process of handmade paper are planned. The zen phrase above is a citation from a record called “To define means to limit” by the guitarist Riccardo Zappa. His surname reminds us of another famous musician , Frank, who had nothing to learn about freedom of speech, and boundaries given his production of rock, blues, funky, jazz and classical music. I wonder whether Frank Zappa ever took part in a Laboratoriliberi of music? Dario Mazzoni
LABORATORILIBERI “LAY PASSION” By organising situations to favour an original language, we are obliged to communicate with the present, inside true workshops. A workshop as it should be - as in the past - means collective improvisation which is the only way to fight the technician or art clerk, who prefers perfection and formal solutions. Such people have difficulties in relating to others in a workshop! There are two or three classical problems every artist faces in his life. It's not enough to be good at ones own skill, but also to be able to agree and communicate with the work of the others. We cannot all be dogmatic or expect others to understand or to understand us. Many of my works derive from the input I receive from students or friends sharing a workshop with me at that moment, who have seen in my works of art things I would never have imagined myself. It's been a way for me to learn. Some people have pointed out that, from the experiences of the laboratoriliberi (a situation I try to emulate in the workshop of Accademia di Belle Arti where I work), they have been inspired to put their ideas into effect, even by using different means of expression (eg. multimedia). It's been a sort of lesson. In fact, there is a lesson to learn: if you are able to enjoy doing something, in dedicating your life, or a reasonable amount of time and energy to some goal, then you can't fail. I don't think that laboratoriliberi are the only example of this principle, anyway, I believe that this experience is a matter of faith, but for me, principally, and for Stefano Mancini e Franco Cenerelli , too, it is something more, so we have decided to continue in the same direction (despite some experiences that might be defined “ discouraging”). Anyway, for us the input we have received has been positive, so we feel confident to go ahead. Considering our scepticism we think we represent an extreme case. . There has been enough, but never more than enough. Paolo Fraternali 2008 |
LABORATORI DI STAMPA D'ARTE dal 12 al 22 agosto 2008
Presso Corte della Miniera Località Miniera , Urbino (PS)
Stefano Mancini Litografia tradizionale - Tecniche calcografiche - Serigrafia CONTRIBUTI ARTISTICO-PROFESSIONALI E INTERVENTI (aperti al pubblico) Franco Mariani, La carta nobile figlia di poveri stracci. Dalle origini alle rivoluzioni industriali - Corrado Cascioli, Xilografia”M” - Sandro Ciriscioli, Omaggio a Giorgio Bonpadre - Maurizio Cesarini, Libertà di stampa - Egiziano Piersantini, Percorso storico della stampa - Nedda Bonini Il libro d'artista L'autore si racconta , con libera entrata riservata esclusivamente ad artisti. VISITE GUIDATE Fabriano, Museo della carta e della filigrana;
Direzione artistica e organizzativa: Paolo Fraternali per informazioni scrivere all'attenzione
della Prof.ssa Nedda Bonini, Consultare periodicamente il sito di laboratoriliberi per avere aggiornamenti sugli eventi collaterali e approfondimenti sulle nostre iniziative.
Sponsor: Museum Graphia Museo Internazionale della stampa La Trattoria del Leone Via C.Battisti, n°5, 61029 Urbino Studio grafico e casa editrice
- Via XX Settembre, 56 - Ferrara FRANCO CENERELLI - ARTE - RESTAURO - ANTICHITA' - via Flaminia 195, 61030 Calcinelli di Saltara (PU) |
"LA GRANDE SQUADRA" foto di N.Bonini (A. Corradi, S. Ciriscioli, E. Piersantini, F. Cenerelli, S. Mancini, P. Fraternali) |